Thursday, 25 October 2012

We will not let them take our Love

These are the things we will not let them take.

We will not let them take our Love.

For each other, for ourselves, for this planet
This green, red, multi-coloured earth spinning thru the vast starlit universe

We will not let them take our Love.

We will not let them take our compassion, our morality, our ability to care
We will not let them take our tenderness, our vision, our knowledge that a just and sustainable world is possible.
We will never concede that greed is good,
That poverty is inevitable,
That human well-being must be sacrificed to the man-made god of money.

We will never agree that any system that tramples upon the vulnerable can ever be justified.
We will never count success by the privilege of a few.
We will never forget that we are lucky to be here, born of unlikely alchemy and chance meetings, sustained by an inter-connection of beauty and ecology that the human brain will never fully grasp.
We will never undervalue humility.
And We will never be afraid to Stand.

We stand for Love, for equality, for respect for all life and domination of nothing.
We will stand for Love born of justice, Peace born of respectful understanding.
Passion born of Compassion and Trust that has been earned.

We stand for the beauty of this earth and the love of all that lives upon her.

We stand for Love & justice

and if you threaten these things, we will stand against you

For we will not let you take our Love.

Chrystine Moon Oct 2012. UK