Sunday, 14 July 2013

Cultivate hope....


2013 Political Cry Out


OK Soulless fuckwit Coalition of short-term greed.
Congratulations, you nearly did it.
You've orchestrated such a relentless multi-level, multi-pronged attack on all of our basic human rights,
You have, indeed, almost rendered us speechless.

Even those of us who already had you branded as heartless, selfish bastards are indeed shocked at the span and depth of your callousness.
the scale of your seemingly endless raft of brutality.

You've gone for our homes,
for our health care,
our right to eat,
our right to education and ambition,
our right to care when vulnerable
and the rights of the vulnerable to full human self-hood and respect in a social and humane world.

You've threatened our right to reply. You threaten our right to protest.
And, when we do, you show your contempt by utterly ignoring all intelligent and humane concerns we raise.

You are killing us.
You clearly do not care.
Perhaps you are even pleased with this result
After all ,the weak and vulnerable do not appear to directly make you money.

But beware.

For as you sail home, cutting a path thru the melting ice caps, fracked landscape, devastated communities; As you kick your way thru the homeless, the sick, the distressed and vulnerable like a school child scuffing up fallen leaves in autumn, laughing all the way to the banks, beware...

for when you get there
you will find us.

Almost, but not yet silent.

Almost, but not yet broken

Not yet defeated.

Not surrendered

and Not Alone.
We will meet you there
and we will serve you with the consequences of your deeds.

We will stand,
hand in hand
on the firm ground of our own convictions.

Still saying what you have chosen to belittle,
Still saying what you have chosen to ignore.
Still saying that life on earth is precious and fragile ,
that human vulnerability is worth more than fiscal profit,
that human love is stronger and will prevail.

We will stand in the strength of our integrity
and you will sweat in your suits,

you will sweat in your insecurities, clinging to quantative easing,
grasping at derivatives and bail out clauses.
but these things will crumble
and you will fall.

And we
will carry on with what we have always been doing.

We will take back our homes,
reclaim our land,
we will care for each other, we will build with love and create with integrity. We will share.
We will manage.
We will balance power with responsibility.
And, when we make mistakes, we will apologise and rectify.

We will live together upon this fragile spinning earth.

And it is you who will be rendered speechless.
it is you who will be shook to the core by the realisation of your own vulnerability.
for the first time,
You will notice the earth beneath your feet
and wonder
if you dare
to ask us for our help.

Chrystine Moon July 2013