Tuesday, 14 May 2019

All the Unwritten Love Songs

All the Unwritten Love Songs.

This is the lesbian Love song currently not being sung, out loud, in Uganda;
The performance of Hamlet, as yet ungiven, by a Nigerian woman with motor neurone disease.
These are the Poems of fragile tenacity, unwritten, by those trapped in sex trafficking or, after 12 hour shifts in the care industry, simply too tired to pick up the pen.
This is the Opera of the unpaid carers;
The Spat Bars of Angry desperation sanctioned into silence by a state neither well nor fair.
These are the ghostly 3am Monologues, unwhispered, by those who did not survive.
This is the prime-time panel show by, for and about neuro-atypical feminists.
This is the BAFTA for the women who, rejecting the casting couch, did not get the part.

Can you hear the Standing Ovation?
Can you hear the Thunderous Applause?
Can you feel the power as, those who can, get to their Feet and Salute you?
Can you feel the Deeper love of those who cannot, but would if they could?
Can you Taste the tears, shed or unshed, for all the Love, Loss and Tenacity it takes for some of us to simply survive the day?

Tracy said it sounds like  a whisper,
Sometimes the sound of turning wheels,
It is a faltering cry on the high notes, a wild beam of undefeated light.

this is a Love song.
This is your  unwritten love Song

It resides in the deepest places
....waiting for you to push.

Chrystine Moon may 2019