Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Beyond the plastic pumpkins, flailing bed sheet ghosts, made-in-China polyester victim costumes, skeletons, zombie masks & strings of Led-lit glittering skulls... take a moment to stop and remember those who went before us....

This is not a dash for American candy....

This is the beginning of our descent into the dark months of the year....

The shedding of leaves, the harvesting of fruits and produce... it is a stripping back to the bones of the matter... a time to notice and honour our roots.

Ancestors who went before us....

Love and labours given so that our lives could get born.... … flourish, thrive, strive... .. and lay down paths for those who come after...

we are not separate from the eco system..

we are not separate from the web of lives....

Deep in your gut, your heart, your sinews, who do you have to thank?

Who do you need to honour?..

What will you carry through the dark months? Digging deeper, preserving, strengthening, brightening with the fire that burns within...??

What do you carry...???

Whose legacies do you bring forward, into the present....

and what Dreams.. do you plant.. feed and nurture..

For, even in the darkest times, ...We tend the fire, We feed the visions, We build the bonds... and we Dream... we remember... we fan the flames of a better future... We stand for truth and justice.. We weave a soft and tenacious resilience... we sing the songs silently within... but still we sing them... We feed the fire... we share the love... &, even when despair knocks at our door, ...We say “No thank you. We've had enough of you thanks very much...& We have dreams to nurture, We have lives that matter, we have Love to empower, enrich and nourish.” We're busy, even when we're sleeping.. we're busy... We have home-made courage and a longer history than you think we remember..

We are the weavers of a better future... & We refuse to give in......

Chrystine Moon October 2020