Tuesday, 22 August 2023

When the going gets hot....

One day, as the land got hotter and the hands of those in power began to sweat, a strange sickness spread across the globe. It’s first signs were subtle, a haziness of mind, a gentle lethargy, sometimes, a full-on drop into deep sleep that could come on quickly.  There were times in the middle of a business meeting or news report when a person would drop off mid sentence, trailing a little or just an abrupt halt followed by snoring.

 Sometimes, just as a high powered contract was about to be signed off, an arms deal agreed or plans for a new fracking site validated, the protagonists would fall into a slumber and the whole thing would fall through.  It also seemed to happen if anyone got over excited about planetary destruction or all worked up about starting a war…

 So, here was the question, and maybe YOU can answer this,,,,

Will there be enough people left awake to seize the opportunity when this happens?


While  the carbonistas and colonizers sleep, will there we enough of us, uninfected, to  build our  free to ride go-carts, horse and wagon stations, efficient railways with friendly ticket officers? Will we be alive and planting crops and seeds of real nutrition? Will we remember how things could be? Awake, alive and active, building the dream that’s possible when things got so hot, power slipped from the grasp of the greedy and fell into our waiting hands? 

