Friday 30 July 2010

UMI ( unidentified mental illness) series

Hello, in case yr wondering what the %&(%^! this is all about!!!,
My random musings are currently applying themselves to the concept of mental health and illness and how these concepts are catagorised and defined in mainstreram society. It interests me to explore states and concepts which I beleive are detrimental to the richness of human life and yet considered sane and acceptable, "normal" even! i.e. corporate greed, ruthless ambition, lack of compassion. No one has ever been diagnosed mentally ill for displaying these qualities yet they do untold harm to global life on earth.
Eroticised Warmongering. Non-consensual Use of Authority, Compulsive Auditing. See what i mean?
I'm interested to create names for these behaviors and explore, in a creative provocative way, their impact on our lives and sense of mental health and illness.
I'm also enjoying bringing a playful spirit of enquiry to an area only just emerging from stigma, shame and hidden pain.

1 comment:

  1. Keep going, this is entertaining and making me feel better.
