They said " Stay safe" "Stay home" "Save lives",
Yet, whilst we were inside, they sold off essential services
and human rights denied.
They bent the rules,
they broke the codes,
They quaffed and snogged and drove.
They took away our rights to speak,
to breathe, to dream, to roam.
They burnt their candles at both ends
Whilst we were staying home.
Unless, of course, you were a "hero",
sacrificial, front-line slave.
No staying home for you! In flimsy plastic
aprons - lives to save.
Their rainbow "Thank You"s, doorstep claps,
whilst wages remain low
and what good is " Stay home, Stay safe"
if home is not safe to go?
and now, as we emerge, I wonder,
Whose lives have we saved?
What have we learned?
What do we need?
Beyond being "kind" and "brave"?
Tho breathing still,
Shock waves extend.
What's lost? What's saved? What died?
There was more than one threat in the air
Whilst we were inside.
Chrystine Moon Feb '22