Fierce & Tender.
.... need to be loved fierce & tender , skilfully, with intelligence and wisdom springing from carnal touch.
Need to feel precision and reckless abundance fuse and break open, smiling with wise-held knowing spontaneous love.
This is not something anyone can teach you, tho in many ways they can & will, but more than that it is a knowing that grows in you and, if you have been harmed by insensitivity, hurt by a lack of love and honour, if you have survived these things and grown beyond them, you will possess the kind of knowing touch of which I speak.
Survivors know this. Lovers who progress beyond need into talent. Magicians of the carnal arts and also just those who love enough to want to get in right.
It's a bit like playing an instrument. There's the basic mechanics and then there's the soul.
Beyond fear Beyond ego beyond possession Beyond the limits of our small human hearts, there is a greater love that we can touch occasionally in moments that last forever sometimes if we dare.